Corinne Wellness

Tarot Reading: To Believe or Not To Believe. That is the Question.

Tarot, cards, metaphysical, spirituality

Tarot Reading: To Believe or Not To Believe. That is the Question.


Growing up in Miami, FL it comes to no surprise that if you are Cuban you probably visited a tarot reader or as we say “Tiradora de Cartas” at some point in time in your existence.  The question lays in do you believe what they say to you or do you force a change in your life because of what was said? That is the question that many, including myself, tend to ask when coming out of a reading.  I have been to many different types of tarot readers in Miami and here in Los Angeles and I have to say that they all shared one thing in common…90% of the things that came out in my reading never came true!


I was told by multiple tarot readers throughout my youth that I would only have one child; a son with bright and big blue eyes…fast forward to today, I have three beautiful daughters and none of them have light eyes. I was also told by multiple readers that I would be a very successful working actress and I would travel the world showcasing my talent. Well, if you are home reading this blog, you only know of Corinne Safille because of Inner Bombshell not because of a movie I made with a famous actor or actress.


I use to daydream about all the wonderful things I was told in my readings but that’s really all it ever was…dreams, mere dreams. As I got older and wiser I looked back at all the things I was told and took it more like words of wisdom… If you want a son with light eyes, marry a man with light eyes (which I didn’t do.) If you want to travel the world as an actress, work real hard in the industry, find a great manager and talent agent and make it your full-time life goal which I didn’t do. In reality, I guess we can all accomplish many of the things that tarot readers tell us. If you are told that you would win the lottery, it makes you play more times or spend more money on each drawing. If you were told that you would buy a beautiful house near the ocean, save a couple of thousands of dollars since really young, to afford that beautiful house and all the expenses it comes with.


The reality is that it is nice to hear that you will accomplish great things in life: Have a successful career, marry a magnificent person, have well-behaved children, be extremely wealthy and healthy and live a fruitful life. But a tarot reader can only sway you into certain aspects of your life…you are the only driver of your own life. Take the reading as an advice of the possibilities out there but it is ultimately up to YOU and YOU alone to make them a reality.


About Author

Corinne is a writer, actress, dancer, designer and fitness instructor with over 15 years of experience helping women achieve their fitness and weight loss goals. She is also a full-time mom to three beautiful little girls and five adoring animals.