Food Opal Wellness

Lindora Part 4: The Final Results

Lindora Part 4: The Final Results


I finally completed the four week Lindora program; faithfully and without much straying. Did it work? In a nutshell…yes…here are the deets. After I got over the shock of protein day and limiting my carb intake to less than 50 carbs per day, I then had to figure out a system of menu planning that worked for me. After that it was pretty much smooth sailing. I followed the program as recommended almost to perfection, one day each week I dedicated to a protein day, the other days were a mix of blended (protein/regular), YPC days, and home prepared meals. I took all recommended and appropriate supplements…yes ALL for a total of 10! (This is what was suited specifically for me; you may have considerably less supplements per day.)

I took advantage of incorporating their protein products every chance I could…as main meals, snacks, anytime that unexpected cravings would strike. I went in faithfully…every.single.weekday without fail. I weighed in, went over my progress and utilized my one-on-one time to go over any concerns I had. Surprisingly, it became easier to stick to the plan as my appetite and cravings subsided considerably and I had built-in accountability since I knew that in less than 24 hours I would be weighed in and my stats recorded in my file. I did not want to disappoint myself nor did I want to disappoint the staff (who, let’s be honest, I’m sure would still sleep great at night even if I did gain.) The daily struggles I shared with the staff made me feel a sense of support that I needed so it served its purpose. I had shots administered every weekday to help with my rapid weight loss and I lost almost every week day, sometimes even 2-3 pounds.

I learned and re-learned many valuable habits during these four weeks like; eating slowly, planning my meals ahead of time, always having snacks handy, avoiding my triggers, and flexibility. I lost 11 pounds…wait what! All that work and only 11 pounds! That doesn’t make sense right? Well, let me tell you what happened, it’s called the weekend. Remember when I said earlier I had followed the program without MUCH straying? Here’s what happened: I’d lose considerably during the week with focus and determination, the weekend would come which meant two days of no accountability, no weigh ins no pep talks from the nurses…just champagne brunches, steak dinners and homemade bolognaise.

I’d say it was only going to be one cheat meal, I’d have time to make it up and I’d keep telling myself that all the way through Sunday evening. Mondays were remorseful, followed by the promise of renewed faith that usually corrected my mistakes by Wednesday. So really, I was only making progress two days a week followed by this cycle caused by every Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Lindora’s program certainly wasn’t at fault as it was proven effective when followed.

The real question was how would I find balance? I can’t live Lindora every day, my gourmand heart won’t allow it, yet it showed me results. The real key to success is finding my limit, it certainly won’t be two days of gluttony but perhaps it could be a nice meal once a week; planned out and savored. To test my theory I signed on for another four weeks, round two shall begin soon.


To learn more click here : Lindora

About Author

Opal is a small business owner with a background in Psychology, Clinical Sexuality, Holistic Health Sciences and is a Certified Reiki Practitioner. She is a Mom of four young children including a set of twins and is a self-proclaimed foodie, health-spa enthusiast and beauty junkie.