Corinne Fitness Food Lifestyle Wellness

Ayurvedic Protein – Good For Your Body and Good For Your Soul!

health, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, amalaki, Ashwagandha, wellness, Ayurveda, protein, fitness, wellness, Bacopa, vegan, plant-based

I’m usually not very excited when it comes to reviewing protein shakes. Let’s be honest, most of them don’t taste very good. And the ones that do taste some-what palpable are filled with sweeteners or ingredients that should not go in our bodies. But today I am excited to share a very unique and very tasty protein powder called Ayurvedic Protein.

I can guarantee this Ayurvedic protein is unlike any you’ve tasted before just mainly because of the amazing and beneficial ingredients it contains. How many times have you gone to a nutrition store and walked down the aisles perusing all the protein shake and have noticed a protein powder that contained Ginger, Ashwagandha, Bacopa, Amalaki, Cinnamon & Turmeric? I”m guessing NEVER!

Every scoop of Ayurvedic Protein™ uses the power of Ayurvedic herbs and spices to fuel your day with antioxidant, adaptogen and anti-inflammatory goodness.

I discovered this amazing VEGAN brand when I attended the Los Angeles Yoga Expo earlier this year in Pasadena, California. While walking through the expo, I was intrigued by the Ayurvedic booth as samples of the shake were provided to guests. You could choose to try the shake with Almond Milk or Rice and of course, I had both! Immediately my mouth and brain were in awe! Maybe I was preparing myself for the usual chalky taste of protein, maybe I was expecting a dose of sweeteners but what I got was a total surprise. I hadn’t even read the ingredients of the product but I could immediately taste the cinnamon and ginger. Then to my surprise, I read the other ingredients and I knew I was sold! This protein was pure genius! Why didn’t anyone ever think of making something this healthy before?

During my years of teaching fitness, the one question all of my clients would ask is if I could recommend a protein powder that was easy on their stomach. A protein that did not cause discomfort, gas or bloating. The truth is that I could never come up with one because every single product I ever tested gave me the same symptoms that they did not want to suffer through. But alas! Ayurvedic protein has digestive enzymes that “enhances absorption and metabolization of nutrients.* “

What is so unique about this product is that in the two weeks I tested the product drinking a single scoop every day, I never experienced any gas or bloating. It was unbelievable. Not one of the fourteen days! I can honestly say that this was a first in my 20+ years of taking protein powders. And this protein contains pea which usually causes some type of bloating. But I think all the ingredients and enzymes work nicely together to reduce or eliminate any chance of stomach discomfort.

Now, let’s get down to the needy-greedy. Can fitness professionals use it?

“Mighty Muscle Builders: Pea, Pumpkin and Rice Protein Powder BlendBuild and repairs muscle tissue, supports metabolism and fat loss.*”

The answer is ABSOLUTELY!!! At 100 calories, 21 grams of protein, 1.5 grams of fat and 1 gram of carbohydrates, this is an ideal protein choice for anyone working out. It has a complete amino acid profile and also contains 500 mg of fiber. It doesn’t get any better than that!

If you truly want to experience a very clean, delicious and unique protein powder that will transport your senses to a wellness retreat in India then this is the one for you. “To strengthen your digestive fire in the Ayurvedic tradition, heat the blended ingredients in a saucepan and pour into your favorite mug. Breathe, sip, repeat.” 

Try Ayuverdic Protein as I assure you, it won’t disappoint!

Ayurvedic Protein, protein shake, wellness, ginger, ashawaganda, turmeric, cinnamon, amalaki, bacopa, herbs, ayurveda, health, fitness, nutrition
Ayurvedic Protein, protein shake, wellness, ginger, ashawaganda, turmeric, cinnamon, amalaki, bacopa, herbs, ayurveda, health, fitness, nutrition
health, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, amalaki, Ashwagandha, wellness, Ayurveda, protein, fitness, wellness, Bacopa, vegan, plant-based

If you would like to find out more about Ayurvedic Protein, take advantage of 10 % off with our special Inner Bombshell link:

Innerbomshell received an Ayurvedic Protein sample for review purposes only. All opinions are our own. Clicking on the links above will redirect you to the brand’s site.

About Author

Corinne is a writer, actress, dancer, designer and fitness instructor with over 15 years of experience helping women achieve their fitness and weight loss goals. She is also a full-time mom to three beautiful little girls and five adoring animals.