I am so excited to announce that Vegan Strong has created their own subscription box and it is a BIG DEAL!! You guys know that I love to support our vegan community and I am always bringing our readers new and exciting vegan products, brands, and companies. Well, Vegan Strong is a brand that I have been a supporter of for quite a while now. I have their workout bag, shopping bag, and sweater. I have also bought Vegan Strong creator Robert Cheeke’s books.
When I heard that they were announcing their own subscription box, I quickly signed up! I did not know what to expect inside their box but I was extremely surprised. I opened the box and to my amazement…there was SOOOOOO much stuff! I love how Robert and the Vegan Strong team always adds a special touch (handwritten message, notes) to their packages. I have purchased several packages in the past two years and even send them to my vegan friends as Christmas presents because I know they always bring a smile to the recipients.
When I opened my Vegan Strong box, there was a lovely letter from the Vegan Strong Team thanking us for purchasing the box. They have partnered with more than 80 plant-based companies in order to bring us amazing products and coupons. Inside their first box was a ton of great products (some brand new for me). I’ll start off with their cute little Vegan Strong bag…love it (I wonder if it will be able to hold some of my wine bottles? 😉
Inside the box, I received the 2020 Summer Issue of VegNews (I am currently a subscriber but I took it to my Boot Camp class and shared it with my clients). Two samples of the Hippeas puffs (my kids devour these immediately). A sample of Lesser Evil popcorn, HummingHemp hemp hearts, Four Sigmatic Protein Superfood, Complement Protein, Rise Oat Milk Latte, Bela Herb-Infused Wellness Drink. Kelly’s Gourmet Cheezy Parm, Unisoy Vegan Jerky, Sunbutter Sunflower Butter, Hemp Extract Protein Bar, Frooze Balls PB& J. There’s still so much more…Bobos Oat Bites Chocolate Chip, Pure Elizabeth Granola Bar, Quantum ENergy Squares, Metaball Energy Bites, Munchy Crunchy Protein Snack, Ekoa Coconut fruit bar, 3Bar Tropical-Tri bar, and 100% The Maple Dude Pure Maple Syrup.
I also got coupons to so many products and brands including Beyond Meat. I also got stickers, a key chain, and…. drum roll please….a BOOK!!! Flexible Dieting For Vegans by Dani Taylor priced at $24.99! All of that for the amazing price of $49.99 which includes shipping costs!!!
I am honestly in AWE by all the amazing products, coupons, and goodies inside this subscription box. Vegan Strong has always been very generous with all the boxes I have purchased in the past and this was another amazing new service that will not disappoint. If you are interested in purchasing this box, go to Vegan Strong

Inner Bombshell Blog purchased this box and will not make a commission if you purchase from Vegan Strong. This review is our honest opinion of this subscription box. By clicking on the link above you will be directed to their website.