Beauty Opal Wellness

Cool Sculpting…Hype or Hope?

cool sculpting, body contouring, weight loss, cosmetic procedures, pretty face, sexy

Cool Sculpting…Hype or Hope?


            When I tried Cool Sculpting for the first time I was unusually excited. Using a specialized cooling tip this machine literally freezes fat cells to their death where they are then excreted from the body for a slimmer, sexier you. From what I had heard it was supposedly a gamechanger in the body sculpting arena. Clinical evidence had proven its effectiveness and it was supposed to help contour your shape without any downtown or serious investment compared to traditional liposuction. I opted for the lower abdomen and love handles and after three treatments did it work? Yes and No; let me elaborate.

When I walked into the Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery center it was everything I wanted it to be- modern décor, overtly sweet receptionist and a knockout office manager who literally looked like Barbie etc. I basically I walked into the place felling much hotter than when I woke up that morning because the ambiance seethed esthetic perfection therefore I felt it seep into me the longer I was there. We went over the areas being treated which again were my post-partum belly which at that point resembled a bloodhound and my love handles which were so big and full of love they could have adopted a fleet of children.

This clamp-like device grabbed my rolls and once the machine started cooling the freezing became so intense that for a brief period the pain was excruciating only to be followed by numbness which by default erased the pain. I can’t remember exactly how long I was on the machine, maybe 20-30 minutes but when it was removed my fat had formed a solid block that looked like stick of butter which was creepy and cool, and had I not been so disoriented would have made for a great photo. Over the next few weeks I drank lots of water, ate reasonably well and performed light exercise just as directed. I did notice an improvement but only ever so slightly.  The next two treatments at approximately $1500 each built on that improvement but again not so much to where there was noticeable difference to anyone or a single pair of jeans.

After attempt #3 I was almost five grand invested and thought “at this rate I’ll spend close to $20,000 and I’ll still be dealing with excess skin issues.” Bottom line; I can’t deny that the technology is effective and does in fact promise what it says but it has its limits. Back fat bulge at the bra line…great idea, little chubs around the armpit area…perfect match…but if you have serious body modification and extreme makeover aspirations save your time and money and go another route. Preferably, one that involves lots of protein, avoidance of carbs, sweat and scalpels.

If you want more info to see if Cool Sculpting may be right for you check it out here:



About Author

Opal is a small business owner with a background in Psychology, Clinical Sexuality, Holistic Health Sciences and is a Certified Reiki Practitioner. She is a Mom of four young children including a set of twins and is a self-proclaimed foodie, health-spa enthusiast and beauty junkie.